If you are in the market for a new vehicle, there's no better way to save money than by offering a trade-in. A new vehicle purchase is a significant investment, and any smart customer is going to be looking for the best way to get the most for their hard-earned dollar. Here at Raceway Chevy, when you sell us your car, you'll be getting the best value for your dollar. Whether you are looking to trade it in for another vehicle or simply just want to get rid of it, we can help. At Raceway, we will conduct a full appraisal of your current vehicle to determine the best value we can offer you. There are also no obligations to buy from Raceway. Our offers are not contingent upon you purchasing a vehicle from us. If you've got a vehicle to sell, let's take a closer look at selling it yourself vs selling it to us.
When deciding to trade in your vehicle toward the purchase of another, there are several factors to consider.
When you trade-in your vehicle, you work directly with the dealership, and they handle the entire transaction from start to finish. For your part, all you need to do is show up with the car, discuss the value of it with a member of our sales team, and then you are on your way to your next vehicle. While there are some benefits to selling a car privately on your own, trading it in is the best option if you simply don't have the time or desire to do the legwork and marketing yourself.
Speaking of marketing, deciding to sell a car on your own can take a lot of time and effort. You'll need to advertise it, likely meet with several potential buyers until you find the right one, and then go through the process of transferring ownership. You may luck out right away with finding a buyer, but it could take several weeks or even months to arrange a deal. On the flip side, when working with a dealership to trade in your vehicle, the process usually only takes a day or two.
Of course, the main benefit of trading in an existing vehicle is that it lowers the price of your new one, as the value of the trade-in will be deducted from the new car price. For example, if the new vehicle is $20,000 and your trade-in is valued at $5,000, your financing will only be for $15,000. An additional benefit is paying a lower sales tax since the dealer has knocked that $5,000 off the final purchase price.
Selling your used vehicle yourself might seem like the easy way to go at first, but there are some downsides to consider.
Selling a vehicle yourself basically puts yourself in the role of being a dealership. You will need to know all of the details of the car you are selling so you can provide this information in any marketing or advertising materials. You will also be in charge of screening any potential buyers, arranging for them to make appointments for test drives, dealing with buyers who may have unreasonable demands, and being clear about what types of payments you will accept.
When you've got a buyer, then you'll need to step into the negotiator role, which some people may not be comfortable with. This is where you'll need to be firm on what you are seeking for a price, and be prepared for some hard decisions if the buyer won't go along. This can be a frustrating process and could draw out the time it takes to sell the car.
Finally, once you do have a buyer, you are fully responsible for doing all of the necessary paperwork and legwork required on your end. This can be a significant investment in time.
When looking to trade in your vehicle, there are several factors that are taken into consideration when determining its value.
The particular brand of your vehicle is a significant factor, regardless of the condition. Some brands depreciate faster than others, ranging from 45-60% of their value for some brands in the first three years of ownership compared to only 35% for other brands in the same amount of time.
Has your car been customized with performance parts or aftermarket gear such as high-end stereos, custom rims, or any other accessories? This will also affect how the car is valued.
The exterior condition and appearance, of course, is a prime factor in determining value. Any damage to the exterior, no matter how slight, will have an impact. If there are any dings or scratches, it's best to get those touched up before putting the car up for sale, which will bump up what you can get for it. Another tip would be to remove those old bumper stickers!
The interior condition is another obvious consideration. Used vehicles are naturally going to have some wear and tear on the inside, so before trading it in, take it to a professional to have it thoroughly cleaned. The inside of the car is where the new buyer will be spending the most time, so you'll want to make it as new-looking and comfortable as you can for them.
Chances are you've kept your existing vehicle in great shape by getting regular maintenance performed in it. Keeping a detailed and accurate record of any maintenance and repairs shows that it has been properly cared for, which in turn increases its value.
Fewer miles on the engine typically translates into a higher resale value. Even if your car is in mint condition, you might not get the value you are looking for if, for example, it has 200,000 miles on it.